
Vistoso Med Spa in Oakville, ON

Tips for Radiant Winter Skin

February 05 2021

The lack of moisture that comes with decreasing outdoor temperatures results in "winter skin." You have skin that is increasingly dry, itchy and irritable, forcing you to change your skincare routine. Review the following tips to improve the look and feel of wintertime skin.

Moisturize More Often
Winter brings freezing cold temperatures and dry air that removes the moisture from your skin. There are also bitter cold winds that penetrate your skin and increased risks of frostbite. Moisturize your skin more often during this colder season.

If you're moisturizing your skin more often, you also need to make sure you are cleansing it properly. Without proper cleansing, your face accumulates oil and dirt that causes acne. Make sure not to neglect your skin care routine this winter. Use your cleanser every morning and evening prior to moisturizing. 

Reduce Exfoliants
If you're using moisturizer and cleanser often, reduce your usage of exfoliants. The acidic ingredients are too drying to already-dry skin and leads to cracking and peeling. If you must exfoliate skin, use gentle applications and do so only once or twice a week.

Be Careful With Hot Baths
A long, hot bath is recommended at the end of any cold day in winter. Bathing is a good way to cleanse the skin and restore warmth into the body. However, it's easy to use scorching hot temperatures that are more damaging than helpful to the skin.

Use DIY Treatments
Create home remedies that increase moisture and vitality in dry winter skin. Make exfoliant masks containing natural ingredients that remove dead skin cells and stimulate collagen production. Avoid using harsh chemicals in many store-bought soaps and washes.

Professional Treatments to Restore Your Skin
Winter is not the time to do all of the skin rejuvenation work yourself. Consider one or more professional treatments offered at Vistoso Med Spa in Oakville. The Vivier Peel is a mild peel that is more comfortable to experience during the harsh winter months. After undergoing skin treatment Vistoso Med Spa in Oakville, you will be left with smoother, clearer skin that feels fresh and looks radiant.

Improve your skincare needs this winter. Find the right treatment to restore the health and vitality of your winter skin. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a treatment that will bring your skin radiance this winter season. 

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